В этом разделе рассказывается об открытии Новой Медицины и перечисляются проблемы и препятствия в ее историческом развитии.
Here are the references and sources:
1) A german newspaper article reporting on the event (from www.germanische-heilkunde.at). Here the translation to english:
Prince of Savoy now under indictment
Prince of Savoy now under indictment
Marseille (AP): Prince Viktor Emanuel of Savoy (52) has appealed against the court order to prosecute him after 11 years of investigation for assault with fatalities and unauthorized possession of weapons.
That’s what his lawyer said yesterday in Marseille. The court of Bastia announced the indictment on Wednesday. The son of the last king of Italy had fatally hit an uninvolved German in August 1978 in a dispute with a Roman playboy on the Mediterranean island of Corsica. The student Dirk Hamer, then 19 years old, was asleep aboard a nearby ship as the fired carbine ball hit the side wall.
2) See e.g. Dr. Hamer’s book «Krebs und alle sog. Krankheiten» (german), page 9, page 18ff.
3) A german podcast with 5BN topic discussing what Dr. Hamer failed scientifically and communicatively.
4) Reviews of the Discovery Dr. Hamers by different doctors (in german an french, images from www.germanische-heilkunde.at):
Loewenstein, Germany, 07/26/1982, 2+ physicians, 5 patients
Vienna, Austria, 12/09/1988, 4 physicians, 7 patients
Physicians conference Munich, Germany, 03/04/1989, 14 physicians, 27 patients, Page 2
Chambery, France, 04/08/1989, 16 physicians, 10 patients, Page 2
Physicians conference Namur, Belgium, 05/12/1990, 15 physicians, 6 patients
Children’s hospital Gelsenkirchen, Germany, 06/24/1992, 2+ physicians, 24 patients
Burgau, Austria, 01/27/1993, 2 physicians, 12 patients
University of Trnava, Slovakia, 12 physicians, 7 patients
Toulouse, France, 1 physician, 6 patients
Muenster, Germany, 1 physician, 4 patients
=> English Translations of three verifications.
5) Semmelweis reflex
6) Ignaz Semmelweis
7) The media mock Dr. Hamer, excerpt from the 5BN documentation by David Münnich (german), and the court verdict against the University of Tübingen (german).