Large Intestine — Sigmoid Colon

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The information on this site is from one of the most famous books about the New Medicine (GNM / 5BN): "The Psychic Roots of Diseases" by Björn Eybl. It was written in german and was translated into more than 10 languages already. German is not freely available, as the rights are held by a publisher, but all these translations are available as ebooks / PDFs for free, as a gift of Björn for you, for the New Earth, for a new time.
In cooperation with Björn, it is splitted on "Disease is Different" into the sections by organ systems and combined with the real cases of our international testimonial / report archive of the related organ system.


The S-shaped, sigmoid section of the colon collects the indigestible remainder of what we eat from the descending part of the colon. Here, this content is further thickened by fluid removal and is “portioned.”

Sigmoid Colon Mucosa

(not pictured)


not being able to

eliminate something

SBS of the Sigmoid Colon Mucosa

Cancer of the sigmoid colon, polyps1

Conflict Chunk conflict (see explanations p. 15, 16): indigestibleanger.
Cannot eliminate (get rid of) something indigestible/burdensome/aggravating. E.g., denunciations, treason, bullying, insults.
Examples Not being able to get rid of unpleasantness, “crap“ (e.g. accusations).
Not being able to tolerate “underhanded” behavior.
The marriage of a 54-year-old female patient is very chaotic. The couple has just moved into a new apartment. During the move, the husband — completely unexpectedly — announces that he is not moving in with her. He starts removing his things again. Later, as he asks for their marriage certificate in order to file for divorce, they have a terrible argument. = Indigestible-anger conflict. A cauliflower-like tumor that is several centimeters wide develops during the activephase and is discovered during a physical examination 7 years later. It doesn‘t cause any problems. Nevertheless, the patient submits to chemotherapy. (Archive B. Eybl)
A young entrepreneur does not receive payment from an important client for a completed order. (See Dr. Hamer, Goldenes Buch Bd. 2, p. 184)
A man has been employed by a company for 15 years. He has a quarrel with a colleague. The boss takes the side of the colleague, which bitterly disappoints the patient. (Archive B. Eybl)
Conflict-active Conflictactive Increased function. Growth of a cauliflower-like tumor adeno-ca of secretory quality or a flat-growing adeno-ca (tumorous thickening of the intestinal wall) of absorptive quality. Usually a recurring conflict.
Bio. function With more colon cells, the body is better able to “digest or absorb the anger.“
Repair phase Normalization of function, tubercular, caseating, necrotizing degradation of the tumor via acid-
resistant fungi or bacteria (mycobacteria), mild fever, night sweats = inflammation of the sigmoid colon. Bright
red blood and mucus in the stool, diarrhea. Encapsulation of the tumor if no bacteria present.
Repair crisis Chills, severe colicky pain and heavy bleeding, diarrhea.
Therapy Determine the conflict and conditioning and resolve them in real life if still active. Questions: see: p.246. Guiding principles: “This situation has taken place so I can learn something from it.“ “I have brought it upon myself through my own thoughts and actions. I accept everything as it is and with God‘s help, I‘ll make the best of it.“
See also: remedies for the colon, p. 255.
According to my experience, polyp surgery is advised, because you do not know if they will continue to grow. In CM today, polyps that are about 3 cm (1 in) in diameter are referred to as “colorectal cancer“ — with all its consequences.

Diverticulitis (colonic diverticula — inflammation of pouches in the colon)

Figuratively speaking, diverticula are the opposite of polyps: Outward-hanging bowel pockets, often located in the sigmoid colon.
Conflict Morsel conflict, that you can’t fill up your pockets/you don’t have enough supplies. Feeling of a material shortage (of food, money, possessions).
Examples A 75-year-old man has saved money his whole life while supporting his wife and child on a modest salary. He augments his meager pension with a part-time job. His daughter is his pride and joy. She is his only child and she has earned the opportunity to study medicine. = Conflict of not having enough savings — growth of a diverticula in his sigmoid colon. When his daughter successfully completes her medical exams, his major life conflict is resolved: One day after the joyful news, he developed severe intestinal pain — the diverticula became seriously inflamed and it ruptured. Note: Without immediate surgery, the patient would have died — this is the result of much too much conflict activity/mass. (Archive B. Eybl)
A sales representative wants nothing more than to keep up with his circle of friends by owning a great car, fancy clothes etc. Through a complete reorientation of his priorities, his complaints from chronic diverticulitis completely disappear. (Archive B. Eybl)
Phase Chronic conflict: The intestine forms bulges (diverticula) which become larger and more numerous the longer the conflict lasts.
Healing events lead to acute complaints (= diverticulitis).
If diverticula occur more frequently in families, it is a family issue.
Bio function The intestine forms pockets to store the “valuable morsels.”
Questions When did the intestinal issues begin? (Conflict beforehand) Was I in financial trouble? Did I put myself under pressure because of this? In which life-phases/on which days are the symptoms better? When are they worse? (Indication of the conflict) Do parents/ancestors also have diverticula/intestinal symptoms? (Indication of a substitution conflict) Which unresolved ancestral issue am I carrying? (Ask about their life story and look for parallels — this is often where a deeper cause can be found) Which new attitude and which external changes would heal me?
Therapy Determine and resolve the conflict, causal conditioning and belief structures.
When nothing helps, surgery as necessary.
See also: remedies for the colon, p. 255.

1 See Dr. Hamer, Charts p. 28


All experience reports on the organ system «Large Intestine — Sigmoid Colon» from the International Report Archive:

DateAuthorTitle and OverviewKeywords
October 22nd of this year I suddenly had very liquid stool. I wasn't irritated at first because this can always happen, but it didn't stop ...

5 Biological Laws of Nature

German New Medicine, Germanic New Medicine, Dr. Hamer, 5BN, GNM, 5BL, 5 Natural Laws of Biology

On this page you will find an introductory video series on the New Medicine’s 5 Natural Laws of Biology (5BN), which are also known as German New Medicine (GNM).
The biological laws were discovered by Dr. med. Ryke Geerd Hamer.